Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Ails You? "The Green Pharmacy" May Have a Solution

I felt compelled to purchase this book at Whole Foods today, though I was a little suspicious of it's claims. My thinking is, if this stuff really works, then why do so many people continue to suffer from these ailments? But then, coming from a vitamin and supplement addicted family, I resolved that it couldn't hurt to at least be knowledgeable of natural alternatives, so I splurged and plunked down $7.99 for a copy. Hey, it was even endorsed by natural medicine guru, Dr. Andrew Weil! In addition to covering herbal solutions for conditions from A-Z, there are sections on safety, shopping for, growing and storing green "pharmecuticals" and methods of concoction and application. My sister bought me a pocket guide to herbs a couple of years ago which gave me a new respect for the healing powers of everyday plants in the garden, parking lot and wooded areas. This book will take you to another level of independence and control over your body, though I would always consult with my doctor for major or persistant health issues.

1 comment:

Ten-aciously Green said...

I have also written a book about going green called, Ten-aciously Green: 10 to go green in 41 areas of your life.