Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sierra Club's Outdoor Adventure for Urban Youth

Groups - Inner City Outings - Sierra Club I was doing some research on environmental groups outreach and diversity programs and came across the Inner City Outings or ICO programs run by the Sierra Club. To my surprise, I discovered that there are some 50 volunteer run groups around the country that develop outdoor programming for inner city or urban youth. This program has been up and running since 1971. Someone needs to call the Sierra Club and have them give a contract to my girl, Rue at Outdoor Afro, because I have never heard of any of the programs. Apparently, the challenge has been that it requires a tremendous amount of time, energy and volunteer resources to run a successful program. Kudos to those programs that are up and running. I do think that there is room for the Sierra club, through strategic partnerships with church groups, Girls and Boys Scouts troops, community centers, urban farmers and school districts to raise awareness and increase participation in these programs. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of gardening per day does more to relieve stress than most activities that our youth engage in to chill, this probably extends to any form of connecting with nature. Anyone got any ideas? To learn more, click on the link here.

I planted this weeping redbud about 4 years ago. Neighborhood kids adore it!
Oh and Happy New Year!

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