Friday, July 23, 2010

This Week In The Garden: Edibles and Beautifuls

Enjoy the latest blooms and fruits in my partially edible landscape. Edible - Broccoli, Figs and Daylilies. Coneflowers are an herb aka Echinacea.

So exciting.....a tiny broccoli head!
The figs are getting fatter!
Look at this black beauty of a daylily.
These Peach Butterfly lilies have freckles like me!
These vanilla scented lilies are showstoppers!
Butterflies love these purple coneflowers.
Purple Coneflower for Supper.
Coneflowers and Daisies Cohabitate
White lilies make a statement at night.
Fragrant lilies greet me by the patio.

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