Check me out with my fair trade gear - earrings, a skirt from Uganda and a comfy top from Nepal. There is a store in Cleveland called Revive, which sells nothing but fair trade goods. Merchandise includes clothing, cosmetics (including Alaffia), accessories, home goods and coffees/chocolates. I love shopping there! The selection reminds me of items I would normally find in Anthropologie, but I don't have to read labels. I have the satisfaction of knowing that a fair wage was received by the employees and women are being lifted out of poverty and gaining economic independence. I feel good about wearing these fashions, drinking this coffee and eating this chocolate. By the way, I read that a large coffee company is looking at incorporating fair wage principles into its business model. This is why I try to shop with my conscious, because eventually big business catches wind and the practices go mainstream - improving the lives of individuals around the world. Back to the fashions.....
Made in Bali, supports gender equity and prohibits exploitation of women and children. |
Top from Nepal and tiered knit skirt from Uganda. |
Made in Nepal, where workers receive living wage, vacation and work in a clean, healthy environment. |
Created by artisans in Gulu, Uganda. Made with style, comfort and versatility as design principles. |
Cute outfit!
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