Check out one of my favorite black and into green celebrities, Dennis Haysbert, at the annual Global Green Oscars pre-party. Need I say more?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Corporate Polluters the Big Winners in House Continuing Resolution - National Wildlife Federation
Corporate Polluters the Big Winners in House Continuing Resolution - National Wildlife Federation I understand that everyone has to take a hit in our nation's effort to balance the budget, but dang, it hurts. Review this list of targeted reductions to environmental initiatives and organizations to see how your favorite programs will be impacted and learn what you can do to voice your concerns.
"It's not nice to be a fool to mother nature!"
Friday, February 18, 2011
GOP Leaves No Stone Unturned, Much More on Chopping Block
GOP Leaves No Stone Unturned, Much More on Chopping Block A huge list of energy efficiency, sustainability and environmental programs at risk.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Great New Read: MacroWikinomics
Okay, last post of the night. I am enjoying the book, "MacroWikinomics" by Don TapScott and Anthony D. Williams. Good stuff on climate change, the environment and social justice. The premise of the book is how we can use the power of collaboration and the internet to "reboot business and the world". Off to read more of it now. Bon nuit!
A Bank That Encourages You To Be Green - Say What?!
Wow. A bank with a green conscious. Just discovered GreenChoiceBank, a bank opening soon in Chicago, Illinois. I'm green with envy. Here's why:
- 50% of senior management are LEED Accredited Professionals. Don't wake me, I'm dreaming.
- Branch to open in the Green Exchange, a sustainable economic development property
- Employees are encouraged and incented to use public transportation and purchase hybrids
- Clients are incented for making green living choices (beyond paperless statements)
- Sustainable business practices are incorporated into bank operations
- Bank will champion green practices and green jobs in the community
I am going to follow the progress of this bank, as these are all initiatives that I encouraged my previous employer (a bank) to pursue in 2008. Big banks, like most large, conservative organizations are sloooow to change, so perhaps by 2020, they will have caught up with the practices of GreenChoiceBank. To be fair,some green practices were gradually starting to trickle in, but at the speed of molasses. Ask your bank about their green business practices.
H&M Unveils Recycled and Organic Fashion · Environmental Management & Energy News · Environmental Leader
H&M Unveils Recycled and Organic Fashion · Environmental Management & Energy News · Environmental Leader For you conscious fashionistas and fashionisters that don't have a fair trade store in your town, you may be in luck! H&M, which started offering low cost, organic fashions a few years ago, is expanding its offerings via its "Conscious Collections". According to the article, it may be an effort to remediate its image after it was busted throwing perfectly good new clothes in the trash, a policy it no longer it adheres to.
Fair Climate Newsletter: Social Justice, Grants and the Great Outdoors
Just got my Fair Climate Newsletter and wanted to share it with you. It's chocked full of good stuff that our folks are doing to make this a cleaner, greener, friendlier place to live. A sister from Detroit, Simone Lightfoot, is featured as the coordinator for the Regional Urban Initiative in the Great Lakes (which includes Cleveland). Rev. Yearwood of the Hip Hop Caucus, speaks at the Fair Climate Network National Summit, President Obama launches the Great Outdoors Initiative in an effort to get our kids to experience, enjoy and benefit from nature and there are multiple funding opportunities for green jobs, housing and educational projects. Here you go.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Not Soy Fast
Not Soy Fast As a survivor, I have to limit my soy intake, but this article suggests that we should all monitor our soy intake, especially processed soy found in many vegetarian soy products. I had a short-term minor neurological incident one morning last year, which I could not explain. After researching a possible cause and consulting my physician, my conclusion was that it may have been related to a reaction that I had from some soy Chikn nuggets eaten the night before. I can't confirm that, but after reading about neurotoxins found in some soy products, I felt compelled to toss that box of nuggets in the trash.
Happy Anniversary Let’s Move! FoodCorps Recruiting First Class of Service Members
Happy Anniversary Let’s Move! FoodCorps Recruiting First Class of Service Members Exciting green job opportunity for young folks in select states! Pass it on!
Chipotle Tomato Soup, Black Eyed Pea Meatballs wit...
A Profound Hatred of Meat: Chipotle Tomato Soup, Black Eyed Pea Meatballs wit...: "Soup again!? Yes! Get into it! Spicy tomato soup with chipotle peppers, garlic, black eyed peas and red onions served with tender meatballs..." This young lady has the best recipes. I'm going to try these "meatballs" next week.
Cool Thrifter Kickstarter Project
My thrifter readers will love this photography project, which seeks to document what Americans accumulate and throwaway via her visits to thrift stores in 50 states. If you like this project, you can support it financially. Check it out here.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Desperately Seeking Teen Friendly Meatless Monday Recipes
In my ongoing attempt to move towards a planet friendly and animal friendly diet, I have decided to incorporate Meatless Mondays into our lives. This is proving to be somewhat of a challenge, given the fact that I have a very tall and well built teen male in the household. In addition, he is not feeling the vegetarian argument. So I am easing into Meatless Mondays with cheese products, ie. spinach lasagna, mac and cheese. Can you share some of your most successful hearty man and teen friendly, preferably vegan recipes? My fellow is not much of a bean eater, though he is opening up to legumes as of late. The black eye pea dish with rice and cornbread, played well this New Year's. In the meantime, see the delish Allotment 2K butter bean and leek dish that I made for myself, below.
Who Needs Meat When You Have These Delish Vegan Gluten and Soy Free Burgers?
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Made in Ohio and Eco-Friendly Packaging |
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Foodies Artchoke Burger |
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Original Sunshine Burgers (Southwest Flavor also available) |
Five Star Foodies - Offers a host of vegetarian products, recipes and testimonials
Original Sunshine Burgers - All organic, gmo free and lots of recipes
Bon Appetit!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Sustainability in Packaging 2011- February 22-24, 2011
Sustainability in Packaging 2011- February 22-24, 2011 This conference is a good indication of the positive momentum being gained in implementing greener business practices. Pay attention to the reduced amount of packaging that is being used in consumer goods and the marketing of that benefit "Now with 20% less packaging!". I have also seen more packaging being marketed as biodegradeable, especially as companies start to evaluate the impact of their products from cradle to grave.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Green Job Interview Tips
The Green Job Interview - Urban Farm Online I heard on the news that 80 percent of Americans were going to be looking for new jobs this year. If you are a Black and Into Green reader, I can only assume that you may be seriously considering working for a green business or sustainability minded company. Check out the article for tips on ways in which you may want to tweek your job hunting approach.
Good luck!