Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Bank That Encourages You To Be Green - Say What?!

Wow. A bank with a green conscious. Just discovered GreenChoiceBank, a bank opening soon in Chicago, Illinois. I'm green with envy. Here's why:

  • 50% of senior management are LEED Accredited Professionals. Don't wake me, I'm dreaming.
  • Branch to open in the Green Exchange, a sustainable economic development property
  • Employees are encouraged and incented to use public transportation and purchase hybrids
  • Clients are incented for making green living choices (beyond paperless statements)
  • Sustainable business practices are incorporated into bank operations
  • Bank will champion green practices and green jobs in the community
If you are like me and Tina Fey, you are saying "I want to go to there." No worries, GreenChoiceBank appears to have attractive deposit account terms and seems to be easy to work with even if you don't live anywhere near Chi-town.

I am going to follow the progress of this bank, as these are all initiatives that I encouraged my previous employer (a bank) to pursue in 2008. Big banks, like most large, conservative organizations are sloooow to change, so perhaps by 2020, they will have caught up with the practices of GreenChoiceBank. To be fair,some green practices were gradually starting to trickle in, but at the speed of molasses. Ask your bank about their green business practices.

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