Sunday, August 10, 2008

Spread the Word of Climate Change Via Op Ed Letters

Are you tired of not hearing enough about climate change, the green economy and environmental issues from your local press - the black press in particular? One effective approach would be to write a letter to the editor to address your concerns, your point of view or to share basic information on green topics. You don't have to be an expert, just raising the issue is often enough to spur further investigation. Topics you could address:

For more information on these topics, you can do a search on Black and Into Green, as I have written on many of these or click on the eco-links provided on this site and in this post. We Can Solve It and Green For All have provided tips and toolkits on writing these kinds of pieces on their sites. Ideally, the best time to bring attention to your issue in this way is to time it to a current environmental or economic event. Check out the next post for information a nationwide Green For All event planned for September 27, 2008.

If you would like, you could post via comments, copies of your letters to the editor, to share with and inspire other Black and Green readers.

Ladies and gentlemen - boot up your Word software and commence to writing!

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