Saturday, July 5, 2008

Creative Business Planning an Oxymoron? I Think Not.

I just read somewhere, it may have been the ONYX Woman Network, that African American women are growing businesses at twice the rate of any group in the nation! That is a good thing, considering the number of jobs that are being lost every day in this country, either through declining sales or globalization. All successful businesses need a solid business plan, or a mapquest to success and potential obstacles. Anyone seeking financing already knows this. However, developing this plan can be pretty intimidating and overwhelming, so many women put off this essential step in their launching journey. Thankfully, there is now a fun and creative option, for those of you that have been procrastinating in this area. Jennifer Lee, an artist, yoga instructor and credentialed professional coach has developed a construct that approaches business planning in very feminine and intuitive manner. You can download the template, from her website, RightBrainBizPlan, for only $19.95. You can learn more about launching your business/lifestyle at Ladies Who Launch. There are several green women owned businesses that have been launched by ladies who participated in the LWL intensive four week incubators. So ladies, no more excuses, pull out your colored pencils, scissors, magazines and newspaper clippings and start your businesses!

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