Monday, May 31, 2010

A Farmer's Market In The Making

Now that the Elite Women's Economic Development Summit is behind me (see photos), I am working on a new green economic development project - marketing and promoting an urban farmers market that is being launched by my son's aunt in Cincinnati, Ohio. His auntie Lisa is truly a renaissance women - a holder of a Masters in Public Administration, a commercial property owner, she roasts and grounds her own coffee beans, gardens, bakes a mean pie and can put in electrical wiring for an entire building. Her latest venture, is to start a farmers market in an urban area of the Queen City. She started constructing the exterior features of the area and is seeking farmers and vendors currently. My son and I are going to assist her with the marketing and promotion of the market. Michael will create a Facebook page and I will assist with the other aspects of marketing. I found some great local food networks and initiatives that she can link into and I will find her a market mentor in Cleveland. We will also seek support of the community stakeholders, which shouldn't be a hard sell because the only grocery store in the area is a convenient store according to a neighborhood website. Check out this article by Yolanda Adams on the need for an urban farmers market in the city. Based on my research, an idea time to start was March, but we are going to run with it and see where it takes us. There are some great resources available online for anyone interested in starting a farmers market. What kinds of features, amenities and activities do you think would make a farmers market a success in an urban neighborhood?


Amy in Tacoma said...

Awesome, Gloria! Here are my suggestions: index cards of recipes at different stands, which can help folks try something unfamiliar; and a "kids' table" which someone staffs, where children can color pictures, blow bubbles, or whatever--it helps keep the kids busy while the parents shop.

Unknown said...

Those are great ideas Amy! Thank you!I know when I started going to the CSA, I relied on recipe cards for cooking veggies like eggplant and acorn squash.

just4ofus said...

I live in Cincinnati, work in Clifton near avondale.
this is a great idea. so much diversity in Avondale I think the market would be great.
did she get it up and running?

Unknown said...

That is great to know that she has a potential client. Due to a later start and perceptions about security, finding farmers is proving to be more of a challenge.(Most were already committed for the season)Iam hoping she can be open by the fall.Will keep you posted. Thanks for your interest!