Tuesday, May 18, 2010

GreenChef Jana | The Month Of May’s In Season Ingredients

GreenChef Jana The Month Of May’s In Season Ingredients Before I discovered CSA's and farmers markets, I had no clue about which fruits and veggies were in season. Based on my grocery store experiences, I could pretty much find any product whenever I wanted. Not that I had a diverse palate, I usually ate brocoli, salad stuff, apples, bananas and cherries. Since shopping at the farmer's market I can really appreciate the delicious taste of in season produce. Many vegetables were not in my repetoire of foods, so I had to turn to my cookbooks to figure out how to prepare them and I discovered that many of the recipes consisted of veggies that were all in season at the same time. Wow! How cool was that. I really felt like I was on the prairie with Laura Ingalls (Didn't you just love that series?I did, except for the story about the minstrels coming to town) and we were cooking up (in our cast iron skillet) whatever we harvested that day. Taking this revelation to the next level, I bet that God had a plan for certain foods being in season at the same time. I am certain that further research would reveal that those ingredients combine for optimal nutrition required of our bodies during that specific time of the year. The greener I get, the richer my life becomes.

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