Friday, April 18, 2008

Earth Hour: 60 Minutes a Year Not Enough

I swear, ten minutes ago I was just thinking of how much I enjoyed reconnecting with my teenage son during Earth Hour last month. We didn't do much, just chatted for a bit and then he trounced me in a round of Mancala. I was just trying to figure out a way to recreate that quiet and enjoyable one on one time we had on a regular basis, when I came across an article that said that Canadians are thinking the same thing! Many Canadians enjoyed Earth Hour so much, that they would like to unplug and reconnect at least once a month. What does this say about our need to to just enjoy one another without the distractions of the computer, television, radio, video game, cell phone...whatever? I think a good solid hour of uninterrupted attention to your mate, children, friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, neighbor, or other relative would go a long way to building happiness and harmony in our lives. Instead of seeking pleasure in things, we will find a much richer source of contentment and joy for the small fee of 60 minutes a month.

What do you do to enjoy the company of another human being without the distractions of the modern world?

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