Monday, July 27, 2009

Vouchers double value of food stamps at Boston farmers' markets - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

Vouchers double value of food stamps at Boston farmers' markets - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe In an effort to improve access to healthy produce in urban areas and to expand demand and markets for local food producers, at least six communities nationwide (it's a start), including Atlanta and San Diego, have introduced double voucher programs for residents using food stamps. Hopefully this access, coupled with efforts to raise nutritional awareness among urban residents will reduce our mortality rates; because look around, we are having some issues in the health department. Adult onset diabetes, high blood pressure, premature development and obesity are afflicting so many of our children, something needs to be done. A good start at home would be to have a vegetarian potluck or a cooking demonstration for your neighbors and extended family, you could then expand to teaching classes at inner city housing authorities and community centers. Bring a yummy, but healthy dish to your next potluck affair at work or baby shower. Model the way. Check out Soul Food Vegetarian and Grub cookbooks by Bryant Terry, Black Vegetarians website and Post Punk Kitchen blog for some great vegetarian recipes.

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