Collard greens that I need to plant. Interesting story here. Checked out the new Burke Lakefront Airport farmer's market this week and stopped at the booth of an older white farmer looking gentlemen. He had on display a small variety of starter plants and harvested vegetables. I was looking for some collard greens, but was highly doubtful that he would have them, much less know what they were. I stared at him for a minute and he asked if he could help me. Spotting what looked to be collard plants, I asked "Do you have any collards?" -surely those weren't collards - "or kale or mustard ?"(Cuz you know, he may not be familiar with collards) Turns out that they were collards and he had about 20 other collard plants in the back! Duh, Gloria! There is a lesson here. Post-racial America? We have a long way to go - on all sides.
Anyway, pictured with the collards are 'mater' plants that I hope will top my delicious cooked greens (assuming I don't fry 'em up in cornmeal first!) Greens and tomatoes are excellent cancer fighters. Okay, so the next time you head for the farmers market - keep an open mind.
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