Ohio.com - Toyota Prius gets makeover
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Turn Your Restaurant Into an Eco-eatery
Turn Your Restaurant Into an Eco-eatery This is a great story found on Black Enterprise online, about a young black man who is living his green dream. Going green has also helped him to keep overhead expenses low in these tough times. If you are in Maryland, you know have to show some eco-love to this brother.
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Monday, July 27, 2009
Community Re-Design Competition:Deadline July 31
Okay you design types out there, sorry for the last minute notice, but check out this exciting design competition. The goal is to map out a "do over" of suburbia which promotes sustainability, walkability and community, thus the title of the competition, ReBurbia. Entries are due July 31, 2009.
Vouchers double value of food stamps at Boston farmers' markets - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
Vouchers double value of food stamps at Boston farmers' markets - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe In an effort to improve access to healthy produce in urban areas and to expand demand and markets for local food producers, at least six communities nationwide (it's a start), including Atlanta and San Diego, have introduced double voucher programs for residents using food stamps. Hopefully this access, coupled with efforts to raise nutritional awareness among urban residents will reduce our mortality rates; because look around, we are having some issues in the health department. Adult onset diabetes, high blood pressure, premature development and obesity are afflicting so many of our children, something needs to be done. A good start at home would be to have a vegetarian potluck or a cooking demonstration for your neighbors and extended family, you could then expand to teaching classes at inner city housing authorities and community centers. Bring a yummy, but healthy dish to your next potluck affair at work or baby shower. Model the way. Check out Soul Food Vegetarian and Grub cookbooks by Bryant Terry, Black Vegetarians website and Post Punk Kitchen blog for some great vegetarian recipes.
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Chocolate Chip Cookies You Can Believe In And They're Good Too!
I think we all share some favorite childhood memories in which Chip Ahoy cookies were front and center. I certainly can. Ahh. Nothing like pulling out that familiar cellophane blue wrapped package of Chip Ahoys. And they had the best commercials. While I do still indulge in a Chip Ahoy cookies from time to time, in an effort to reduce the amount of corn syrup and hydrogenated oils, I eat "back to Nature" brand chocolate chip cookies - they are a pretty close second (and I'm serious about my chocolate). These cookies are corn syrup free, have no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors and the packaging is compostable and eco-friendly. The company also supports The Nature Conservancy, an organization that protects ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.
Wanted: Plastic Pots
I was pleasantly surprised to see this sign this weekend at the garden center. It is encouraging gardeners to return their plastic pots and flats. Yeah! Everyone is getting the eco-fever baby!
This Week In The Garden: Oriental Lily Peach Butterflies
How can you not buy a flower called Peach Butterfly? I like this flower, because it is unique with its peachy complexion and its freckles remind me of my personal array of freckles! Smells great too! It is positioned right next to one of my sitting areas to take advantage of its wonderful characteristics.
This Week In The Garden: Daylily Favorites
Since I haven't posted in over a week, I figured I would ease into things by posting this week's garden photos. Pictured is a wonderful black daylily that I just love and a lovely, crinkly daylily that greets me on the way to the backyard.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Community Supported Agriculture: Cityfresh
Saturday, July 11, 2009
This Week In The Garden: If I'm Really Lucky...

This Week In The Garden: What's A Rural Looking Man Like You Doing With Collards?

This Week In The Garden: Can't Stop, Won't Stop

This Week In The Garden: Low Maintence Beauties

This Week In The Garden: Lily Palooza!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
10 Networking Resources for Women Pursuing Green Careers You Should Know About - Updated
Celebrating Women’s History Month: 10 Networking Resources for Women Pursuing Green Careers You Should Know About - Updated . We eco-friendly ladies have to stick together to make it happen!
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Grants Available To Provide Green Job Training for Women
Found this information while looking for some graduate school dollars. The Business and Professional Women's Foundation, with support from Wal-Mart, is looking to award $60,000 in grant money to four organizations to expand capacity to provide green job training. Click here for details. The foundation is also looking for green employers.
Greenpeace Goes To War With Trader Joe's
Traitor Joe's. Wow. Trader Joe's is being accused of greenwashing by Greenpeace in this spoof of the company's website.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hip Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurants
In your travels this summer, try out a few green or vegetarian based restaurants. Click here for a list of hip restaurants from the west coast to the east coast that feature phenomenal plant based delights. Chicago - Green Zebra, Atlanta - Dynamic Dish, LA - M Cafe de Chaya, Boulder - Organic Orbit and New York - Dirt Candy, are just a few named in the article. I had the pleasure of dining last week at The Greenhouse Tavern, a newly opened green certified restaurant in Cleveland, Ohio that specializes in preparing meals from locally grown and produced food. I will be sure the try out another restaurant featured on the Bon Appetit list, Dragonfly Neo-V Cuisine in Columbus, Ohio later this month when I visit that city for their jazz festival. A vegan restaurant that I will have to try soon is VegiTerranean, in Akron, Ohio, not a far drive from the Football Hall of Fame and only 45 minutes from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.
What's your favorite green or vegetarian restaurant? Can't find one in your area? Check out HappyCow.net for a directory of compassionate eating spots around the world.
Vegan O'Rama!
(Pictured is my favorite vegan snack, Black Eye Pea Fritters. Recipe from Bryant Terry's new cookbook, Vegan Soul Kitchen)
Russians Dig Michelle Obama's Earthy Digs
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20 Companies That Are Leading The Way To A Sustainable Economy
Sustainable Business Com announces it's third annual Top 20 Sustainable Stocks list. Included are some of our favorites, Timberland, Google, Chipotle, Herman Miller Furniture and IBM and some fairly unknowns, Plant Health Care, United Natural Foods and Ormat Technologies. If you are no longer licking your wounds from the damage done to your portfolio or 401k plan last year, these might be some stocks for you to invest in to get back in the game.
Profit over Organics: Natural Doesn't Always Equal Organic
Profit over Organics: Nationâ€Â™s Largest Dairy Marketer Sets Up Competing Market Category Interesting news about Silk and Horizon dairy products. Many products formerly made of organic beans, now using conventionally grown beans and conventional farming practices. This article points out how the "natural" label doesn't always meet the standards of certified organic labels. For those of you seeking to avoid pesticides, herbicides and sludge fertilized products or that care about animal living conditions, this is important information.
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Food Inc. - Being Served At A Grocery Store Near You
Official Food, Inc. Movie Site - Hungry For Change? - About the Film Since I started this blog about 18 months ago, I have become increasingly suspicious about my food. This concern stems from several food recalls, a greater awareness of how food is grown and processed and the fact that much of it is sourced from large corporate agri-businesses. Though not always the case, I have found that many large corporations will do whatever it takes to drive profits, even if human lives are at risk. In fact, my businesses courses taught us that our primary goal as managers was to maximize shareholder wealth. We see where that got us (refer to your 401k statement). The good news is that more companies are coming around to the idea that shareholder wealth can be put at risk if the impact of a companies actions to their stakeholders aren't properly considered. Stakeholders include employees, communities and government. Hence the concept of the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) is gaining ground as an appropriate measuring stick for a companies performance. This movie should further open our eyes to the practices of the companies that grow the food that is supposed to sustain us. I would encourage you and your family/friends to watch this, so that we can educate ourselves on what we are consuming and push for these companies to gage their success using measures of quality not quantity.
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Friday, July 3, 2009
From Inhabitat: 5 Ideas for an Eco-Friendly Fourth
For you last minute green people, check out these last minute July 4th ideas to keep your party real-green. I especially like the BYOC concept-bring your own cup. You could have a lot of fun with that one. Inhabitat is a cool weekly newsletter that shares dozens of news features and product ideas centered around green design.
Quiskaeya: Yummy Mangonade Pipops (Popsicles)
Quiskaeya: Yummy Mangonade Pipops (Popsicles) Mango! Oh yeah. Just in time to cool off on July 4th. The photos are so cute!