Friday, March 7, 2008

Sustainable Eating: Going Green with Good Grub

Well it's Sunday afternoon and many of us are digesting a tasty, home cooked meal prepared by some loving hands. We do love us some good tasting grub. The problem is that often good tasting is not always good. Not good for our bodies, our communities or our planet. Bryant Terry is a brother who is committed to changing this situation. Mr. Terry is a talented chef, writer, and food activist. He is one of the many prominent community activists that will be speaking at Green for All's Dream Reborn Conference the weekend of April 4th. Loving to eat just as much as the next person and though I have always tried to be a conscious eater, I have stepped it up in the last year. Initially, the focus was on eating even healthier food to nourish my body, but upon reading about the alarming issues facing farmers, our food supply, our communities and our planet, I really started paying attention to food issues in general. Issues from the soil and seeds used to grow our food, corporations that control our food supply, to packaging materials selected to contain our food. Chef Terry and his partner in cooking, Anna Lappe', have a wonderful, comprehensive site called EatGrub that promotes their book, Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic Kitchen. The site is as visually appealing as I'm sure their meals are and is a one stop shop for sustainable food information. I really liked the featured recipes, the shopping lists, the community food audit and the take action sections (something I am working on for this blog). I may even try to have a Grub Party as suggested by the duo to promote good sustainable eating habits with my extended family. The site is as warm and cozy as sitting at Grandma's kitchen table enjoying her good food, conversation and wisdom. So before you start your meal planning for this week, take some time out and get your grub on!

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